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Our Mission

The Office of the University Ombuds launched in February 2018 in response to recommendations from the University Senate Committee on Women’s Concerns and the Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity and Inclusion.

It provides University staff, faculty and graduate students a place to go outside of formal institutional channels, such as Human Resources, the Office of Equal Opportunity Inclusion and Resolution Services, the Office of University Counsel or Risk Management, to address work-related concerns or questions openly and without fear of retaliation or judgment.

Four Core Principles

  • Confidentiality

All communications and inquiries are confidential to the extent permitted by law. The office will not disclose identities of visitors to the office or the contents of conversations.

  • Independence

The ombuds operates independently of existing administrative structures and processes and is free of any interference or influence from the University or University administrators.

  • Impartiality and Neutrality

Ombuds staff are neutral, impartial, third-party resources for University employees and graduate students. They do not take sides for or against any individual, cause or position.

  • Informality

The office provides informal assistance only. It cannot initiate formal investigations, proceedings or disciplinary processes, nor can it adjudicate cases or change/set aside any rule, policy or administrative decision. It is designed to complement—rather than duplicate—existing grievance procedures.

The ombuds provides reports to University leadership on general trends and patterns of complaints without breaching confidentiality so that problems can more effectively be prevented from escalating or recurring.

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students are encouraged to continue to avail themselves of the various existing informal and formal processes and services at the University (e.g., the Office of Student Assistance, the Counseling Center, Hendricks Chapel, Health Services, the Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion and Resolution Services) to address and resolve issues that might otherwise be handled by the ombuds for employees or graduate students.

Contact Us

111 Waverly Ave., Suite 001

Email the Ombuds

If you email, please include only your meeting request; do not include any confidential information in your email.

Details about your particular concern will be discussed during your confidential appointment.