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Housing for Graduate Students

Make a home for you and your family close to or on campus with various housing, childcare, and support options.

The University is bordered by both suburban and urban residential neighborhoods. Some students prefer city living and stay downtown, while others reside in apartments that are near or on campus. Begin your housing search early-use the Syracuse University Off-Campus Housing Finder to explore housing options in the Syracuse area. Please note that the University offers additional guidance and support through the Office of Off-Campus and Commuter Services. 

Families & Partners

Syracuse University welcomes your spouse/partner and/or children. There are various resources on campus and in the community to help families adapt to life in Syracuse. On campus, all spouses, domestic partners, and dependents may use Syracuse's fitness facilities (free membership at the Barnes Center at The Arch required). Some on-campus child care and education options may be available for your children, depending upon capacity. And Central New York prides itself on its quality K-12 education. There are a number of public and independent schools to meet your childrens’ educational needs within the city, through the Syracuse City School District, and in the surrounding suburbs.