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Career Services

The beginning of your successful career doesn't start when you graduate—it starts the minute you join us. We can help connect your coursework, passions, and activities to a career that you're going to love.

A student hands a phamplet to a career services advisor.

Unlock your career potential with expert guidance. Explore the wide array of benefits that come with strong career services support at Syracuse University.

The professionals in Career Services are focused on helping you explore your options, build skills, make connections, and can assist you throughout your college career and well beyond.


First, we start by laying out all kinds of career paths. We search through different industries, graduate programs, law schools, and med schools.


Then, we can help you build the skills necessary to apply and connect to opportunities you want to pursue. By utilizing the resources and services that can be useful both during and after college, such as:

  • Workshops on resumes and cover letters, interviewing and networking, search strategies, personal statements, social media, etc.
  • One-on-one counseling sessions
  • Drop-ins


Next, we'll help you take the steps to connect with employers and alumni, and apply for things that interest you. One connection leads to the next, and could potentially lead to employment before you graduate. In fact, approximately 40% of Syracuse undergraduates secure employment before they even graduate!


If you already have an idea of your goals and interests, some of our schools and colleges have their own career services. The qualified staff of each is waiting for your special set of skills.